Deep vigna

An immersive experience

The vineyard is the place of rooting and becoming, of geological temporality and stratified human biographies, of solid presence and apparent immobility capable of conjugating, as if by magic, with the continuous alternation of astronomical and human events and seasons.

A perceptible immersive total experience

Art History Culture

DeepVigna is an immersive experience inspired by artistic projects placed as lines of conjuction between the different worlds cohabiting the vineyard: stratified, like the texture of the Langhe soil, in a sequence of lacerations and recompositions, these worlds have been shaped by the action of the sea, by the incessant flow of lives on the seabed that later became hills, and by the hands of humans, who have been weaving rows, wefts and bonds on those slopes since time immemorial.

Embedded like a fossil in the depths of the earth, the traces of past existences make up a subsoil to which the human being continually tends, in which he tries to push his roots so that “his flesh might be worth and stay a little more than a common round of season.” (Cesare Pavese, The moon and the bonfires).

DeepVigna Lab


The Vineyard Project

The Vineyard Project is a pilot aimed at fostering autonomy and self-worth by engaging groups of young people expressing different forms of mental ill-health in local practices of hand-harvesting grape.

Work in progress...

DeepVigna Lab is working
on new projects...

Our papers communications events

Poster presentation @ 6th International Conference on Youth Mental Health, Copenhagen

29 September - 01 October 2022
"The Vineyard Project: engaging young people in harvesting practices as a way to experience and narrate transformation, temporality and care"
by Andrea Barbieri & Eleonora Rossero

Byodinamic Viticulture, or the Effectiveness of Symbols

Rossero, E. & Barbieri, A. (2022). Biodynamic Viticulture, or the Effectiveness of Symbols. Gastronomica. The Journal for Food Studies, 22 (2): 59-63.
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